Ocean Elements
Foot and Calf Massage
Our state-of-the-art foot and calf massager offers a therapeutic touch without a massage therapist! You'll experience upward pressure, rolling or wave-like motion, vibrational massage, and reflexology.
It's an excellent way to reduce stress, pain, and more!
This service is available at our Ocean City location.

Foot and Calf Massage Benefits
Foot massages are extremely effective in promoting health in many cases, such as:
Eliminating Pain
Improving Sleep
Improving Blood Circulation
Eliminating Edema (Swelling)
Instant Relaxation

Benefits of our Foot and Calf Massager
The benefits of foot and calf massager therapy are countless: reducing stress levels, improve sleep and overall mental health, relieve muscle tension and localized pain, lower blood pressure, and many more. Massages can be performed in different areas of the body and most likely, each of them will bring you a specific benefit; different pressure points are linked to a particular internal function or organ.